The Situation... .
Unites States is one of heaviest owed country in the world. On 30th June 2008, their total external loans/debts amount to approx $13,703,567 Million $, makes them most heaviest owed country in the world.
Every U.S citizen is individually owed for $42,343.- means per capital debts to every U.S citizen is $42,343.
This really shaken the confidence of world's other countries on U.S $ and all major counties are planning to free their reserves from U.S $ dependency.
This will make the flow back the U.S $ reserves from major counties, back to United States and this effect will do the HYPER INFLATION in U.S economy.
Keeping this situation in view, in 1999,a Canadian economist Herbert G. Grubel, launches the idea of a new currency...called AMERO..same sounds like EURO....
The new world currency is effected by the concept of EURO. Performing on the same pattren of EURO, AMERO will be the joined currency of Canada, North America and Mexico.
Suggestion to all is NOT to keep their reserves in US$. Keep your saving is EURO.