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User Name: farooq_tariq
Full Name: farooq tariq
User since: 5/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 17
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A complete bankruptcy of PPP leadership’s strategies
Posted By: farooq_tariq Created On: 18/Feb/2010 Views: 3657 Replies: 0 
Why Pakistan Peoples Party leadership took a decision that they did not have the ability to implement it. Now PPP leadership is on retreat as usual. What a charlatan justification by the Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani when he says that they will respect the decisions of the higher courts. Pakistan Peoples Party is creating a new record of retreats under mass pressure. They have done that Click here to read Full Article

Straggering 31 Billion Dollar corruption under Musharaf by
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 29/Nov/2009 Views:3914 Replies:0 
According to our estimates, a massive corruption amounting to over 2,576 billion rupees (US $31 Billion) took place during 8 years of Musharaf-Shaukat Aziz. A major part of it--over 1,550 billion rupees--was embezzled through just one wrong economic policy, privatization of national assets. Click here to read Full Article
Strike At Hamza Shahbaz Sharif Factory, we need your solidarity,
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 12/Apr/2009 Views:4066 Replies:0 
Instead of fulfilling the promise of paying the minimum wages the administration of Hamza Board Gojra in district Toba Tek Singh, have terminated all 12 main leaders of the union. The factory is owned by Hamza Shahbaz MNA, son Mian Shahbaz Sharif. Click here to read Full Article
Farooq Tariq book "Facing The Musharraf Dictatorship" launched in Lahore
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 12/Apr/2009 Views:3284 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
A victory hard won By: Farooq Tariq
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 19/Mar/2009 Views:3333 Replies:0 
Finally, the chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Choudry and other top judges have been restored. Yousaf Raza Gilani, prime minister of Pakistan made the announcement on 16 March morning. It is a victory hard won. At the time of writing this article, 23 activists of Labour Party Pakistan are among hu Click here to read Full Article
Russian Professor Says U.S. Will Break Up After Economic Crisis
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 29/Dec/2008 Views:3176 Replies:0 
The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting a revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions - all within four years, while cautioning Click here to read Full Article
A government in pandemonium: The first nine month of Pakistan Peoples Party
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 24/Dec/2008 Views:3627 Replies:0 
Instability, price hikes, growing unemployment and rising debts are the hallmarks of the first nine months of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) government. There are daily demonstrations across Pakista Click here to read Full Article
Unpaid TV channel worker of Channel5 commit suicide in Lahore
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 9/Dec/2008 Views:8067 Replies:17 
A journalist, Mohamed Azam working for a private news channel "Channel 5" owned by Zia Shahid of Khabrain group committed suicide on 2 December in Lahore. He was not paid his wages for five months. O Click here to read Full Article
US Military Body:
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 4/Aug/2008 Views:2991 Replies:0 
The suicide rate among US soldiers has reached its highest level since records began almost 30 years ago. Last year, 121 active members of the army took their own lives, up 20% on the previo Click here to read Full Article
some interesting statistics from China
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 19/Jul/2008 Views:3098 Replies:1 
some interesting statistics from China Click here to read Full Article
~1550 billion Rs Corruption in Privatization~ Farooq Tariq
Posted By: farooq_tariq On: 18/Jun/2008 Views:2591 Replies:0 
In the privatization of Habib bank alone, the scam is something around 500 billion Rs, biggest in the history of Pakistan. The estimated price of HBL was 570 billion but 51% shares sold out Click here to read Full Article

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