"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
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Pakistan Front - Eye Witness of Yusuf Kazzab's claims - meet him

Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem 

Assalamo Alaikum. 

Satanic forces are after Quran as they are deeply frustrated by the fact that Quran-e-Majeed is preserved letter by letter word by word with all its freshness, understanding, tranquility and motivational force. What can be achieved with Quran in one night; can't be achieved without Quran-e-Majeed in 1000 months; "Lialtul Qader is better than 1000 months". That one night was translated in 23 years of the Prophethood of the Final and leader of all the Prophets (PBUH). What he achieved in 23 years could not have been achieved in hundreds of thousands of years. And for this reason the Prophet was considered to be the Most Influential persons of all time. 

Since Allah has taken upon Himself to protect His last and final book, no one can change even a single letter of it. So the Satanic forces are left with the options of creating cults and giving false meanings to Quranic ayas. Qadyanis and Bahais had their own Prophets (Of course false) while others had chosen Imams who are "still receiving" whaee which can alter and change the meaning of Quran so they are not letting their followers to read Quran and understand it. Others have gone on the path to say that Quran is so difficult that only Ulema can understand it. They are thus shamelessly denying Quran itself in which Allah had said in Surah Al-Qamar that "We have made Quran easy for advise so is there anyone to seek the advise" The word Zikr is or remembrance and getting advise for the right path. This aya is so important that it is repeated 4 times in one Surah. There are many ayas in Quran which reinforce the same subject. 

One of the recent cult was created by an ugly character person Yousuf. He attracted some people with defective, weak or no real Iman in them. They took him as their "Prophet" and they themselves became "Companions" . One of these so called companions is Zaid Zaman Hamid who is running paid programs on several TV channels. He is paying hefty money to some of the channels. He is fully supported by agencies and anti Islamic forces. CIA and Mossad are using very high sophisticated psychological warfare Technics. Speaker first develops his credibility saying the right things with full force then once the audience become his blind followers, he takes him  on the wrong path and deviate the energy and resources of the followers. Saint Paul deviated followers of Jesus (PBUH) in this way. Ghulam Ahamd did the same thing in the beginning when he debated Christian missionaries. 

With the help of agencies and lot of funding in hands, Zaid Zaman Hamid is on the path to attract and deviate Pakistani youth. He is no doubt an impressive speakers but as Allah says in Surah Al-Munfiqoon that your are surprised by their bodies and their speeches. But they are real enemies so be on guard against them. 

I have enclosed here a self explanatory statement of a person who had spent some time with both Yousu Kuzzab and Zaid Zaman Hamid. Please help our youth not  being trapped in the psychological and propaganda warfare created by the   same forces against whom these speakers are making speeches just like CIA agent Jamal Nasir attacking USA and Yaser Arafat serving Israeli agenda.

Sat, March 6, 2010 12:16:43 PM

Meet Hesham A Syed – An Eye Witness Of Yusuf Kazab’s Claim Of Prophethood

Posted by Fidai e Rasool SAW on March 5, 2010

http://zaidhamidexp osition.wordpres 03/05/meet- hesham-a- syed-an-eye- witness-of- yusuf-kazabs- claim-of- prophethood/

Hesham A Syed was amongst several persons who got acquainted with Yusuf Kazab. Fortunately due to his strong understanding of religion and help of Allah Subhan ahu Tala, he managed to escape the spell of Yusuf Kazab. Hesham wrote a detailed narrative of his several meetings with Yusuf Kazab, some of which were held at Zaid Zaman Hamid’s flat in Rawalpindi.

We will now cut short the introduction and let you read first hand what Hesham A Syed – an eye witness of Yusuf Kazab’s claims has to say about Yusuf Kazab and Zaid Zaman Hamid. In order to aid your reading, we have highlighted the most important parts of the narrative. So even if you don’t feel the urge to read the whole narrative, just read the highlighted parts to get an essence of Yusuf Kazab’s claims and Zaid Hamid’s associations with him.


Cults in the Muslim World.

A few facts about Yusuf Ali (Lahore) who claimed himself to be the continuity of Muhammed ( saw ) but was assassinated in Adwala jail in Rawalpindi Pakistan by one of Sipah Sahaba member imprisoned with him in the same jail in 2000.

[ Based on personal meeting and observations made by Hesham A Syed ]

1. For those who do not know me , let me first give you my brief back ground :

My professional qualification is of Engineering and of Business & Project Management – I have been setting up Business and Industrial Projects and managing many reputed Trade and Industrial Companies and Financial institution in senior most management positions in different part of the world beside Pakistan .I have carried out self driven studies on literature , science , socio political culture , economics and almost all religions as well as of various cults around the world. Beside a deep rooted religious environment I had inherited ,I have embraced Islam with all my consciousness and of course with the Taufiq and Hidayat of Allah ( swt ), as the only course in life to follow .The love of Allah ( swt ) and His Prophets or Messengers specially the foremost , supreme most and final most Muhammed ( saw ) and for all those who have this tie and link called Wali-Allah is impregnated in me .This is again Allah’s ( swt ) bounty and blessing and I will never like to compromise on this at any cost with all my humility and thankfulness to Him alone – Alhamdo li Allah and Ashkar Allah.

I am a writer , poet and a free lance journalist also.

I have no formal association or affiliation with any religious or non religious or political party or any agency – I write and express myself independantly and truthfully on any subject.


1.I met Yusuf Ali when I was living in Lahore and working as a General Manager with PEL + PAL the two industries of Saigols group in 1994.

2. I met him through the courtesy of JZ .

3. Yusuf Ali came to JZ house where I met him for the first time – We sat on a dining table – Along with him were another Pakistani person ( I was told he is settled in Norway if I remember correctly ) and a Pakistani girl ( I forgot both of their names ).

In the first meeting itself Yusuf after a casual introduction , discussed Sufism and told me that his status as of that day was of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani ( rahama alaih ) commonly known as Ghausul Azam. { Later I learnt his [Yusuf Kazab's] strides made him excel even Muhammed ( saw ) }. He recited one of his English poem to me possibly knowing about my poetic inclination and we talked about love of Prophet ( saw ) then he told me that “ I like to congratulate you that You ( Hesham Ahmed Syed ) will meet Muhammed ( saw ) in person , physically with your open eyes just like you are seeing ME now ” . {Quite honestly I felt that very moment that he is actually telling me that he is Muhammed (saw )– My sixth sense , fire wall and virus protection or filter to such a claim started working simultaneously and I could only reply to him – “Thanks to Allah ( swt ), if that is what is destined ”– How ever I felt uncomfortable also that why he has to push himself to prove his importance so much because this was an impression unlike of all the genuine Wali-Allah and Saints I have read about and known in person among the Soofi clan – I also felt a bit disappointed that he made a wrong assessment or evaluation of me }.

I found out later , that this was his most affective trick to pull people in to his clan or group – Muslim in general out of their love to Muhammed ( saw ) have been and can be wrongly exploited emotionally until and unless a balance state of mind prevails and one is disciplined to think every thing rationally and in light of the teachings of Muhammed (saw) ie Quran and Sunnah or Hadeeth – Emotional attachment to Muhammed ( saw ) is the most powerful tool to be used to inculcate and propagate positive attributes in a human being but Satanic people also have used it for their vested interest.( Afraat aur Tafreet doanoaN hee khatarnaak hathiaar haiN MuslamanoaN ko gumraah karney key liey – Afraat is making Muhammed ( saw ) as Allah ( swt ) Himself and Tafreet is lowering his status given by Allah – Baad az Khuda buzurg Tooyee Qissa Mukhtasar.

A distinction between the Creator and Created , an Atta vs Moatee has to be clearly understood.

4. Further meetings with Yusuf Ali also was arranged obviously on his instruction to JZ in Lahore and I also reciprocated with kind wishes to him and with the idea to exchange views to put things on right track , learn and make him learn but he had his own bent of mind and would not listen to any other point of view but his own self. I also visited his small house ( prior to his moving to Defense housing society which I was told was an expensive buy out with electronics gadgets etc fixed in it for surveillance etc – wa-Allah o alam ). Later meetings took place one time in Karachi on some one house I did not know where there was a big crowd and a few meetings took place with him in ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] apartment in Rawalpindi.

The crowd of young or middle aged , Men or Women , Students , Married or Non married gathered in such meeting in the same room , I found them seated there and looking at him under a magical spell and I have also seen male members kissing his hands bowing in front of him and Male or Female prayed behind him as if they were praying behind Muhammed ( saw ) – this feeling was confided in me by one of his mureed or devotee.

5. Twice Yusuf met me in isolation , in a room as he desired , one time when I met him in Karachi and one time at ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] apartment in Rawalpindi – where he told me that I should give him 25 lakhs of rupees ( which was a whole some of money in 199 4 or 1995 ) and in return he will make me meet Muhammed ( saw ) physically – He would read some thing on sweets he kept with him blow on it and ask me to eat and I would gladly eat it reciting BismiAllah without any fear with the conviction that nothing will go wrong to me as long as Allah ( swt ) is protecting me. How ever I wanted to experience all this out of my curiosity and wanted to know more in depth of this new Cult in the making.

# To pull me on his side in private meetings he told me that Muhammed ( saw ) has asked him ( Yusuf ) to take special care of me and serve me well – He further said to me that I ( Hesham ) was already at Sidratul Muntahaa and only one step will take me to Miraaj to meet Muhammed ( saw ) physically and all this one step was minimum 25 lakhs of rupees to be given to Yusuf { interesting trade off isn’t it ? . I was amazed of his audacity and for the first time in my life I was faced with a situation where spiritual upbringing or elevation or transcending was being traded – Muhammed ( saw ) all his life struggled , and delivered Allah’s message selflessly with all the humility and modesty , never asked any one in return of his blessings & services he offered to all without any discrimination and have always been at the giving end–and now what sort of re-incarnation was this ? }.

He also indicated to me that I excel spiritually in the entire group even from ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] ,and I will have a higher status than any one in his group if I walk in. He also told me to have one room exclusively reserved for him in my house as his core devotees did , so that he could come and stay there , carry out private meetings or may be use it as another Ghaarey Hira ,wa-Alla ho alam. I have never mentioned these private conversations Yusuf carried out with me ever before to ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] or JZ or to any one in his group till if they read it now. Even if I did it would not have changed any of them as they were completely possessed – And may be because what ever he said about my spiritual status did not make any sense to me and I preferred to continue living as an obedient servant of Allah ( swt ) and as a devotee and a true lover of Muhammed ( saw ) whose respect and integrity has always meant to me more than my life.

He also mentioned to me that his wife is the most beautiful woman he has seen , how ever it is over flowing love for all devotees and if any woman on her own offers herself to me how can I help { I quite did not understand this at that time specially from a person who happens to be claiming of such a high spiritual caliber or status to the extent of presenting himself as Muhammed ( saw ) to his sahabaas or devotees / mureed of-course – For me such a thing was not even conceived even by any normal person with basic moral standard }.

# All what I was experiencing was like a child play to me , amazing and frustrating at the same time that how can this disillusioned person misguide so many apparently educated male and female around him as his devotees but the answer is simple – Hidayat is minAllah and most of these people were engulfed due to their love of Prophet ( saw ) and not having a proper guide or Murshid to them to put them back on right track.

6.The demand of such Nazrana or Gift or a price to meet Muhammed ( saw ) physically started right in Lahore during my initial meeting itself – otherwise he said to know the Haqeeqat it requires a few lakhs of recitation of Durood o Salam which would have taken ages , so a pay off to him was the payment meaning to Muhammed ( saw ) himself – What a mockery and insult this was to our beloved Prophet ( saw ) – A complete paradox and contrast to Muammed ( saw ) personal attributes – AstghfarAllah.

In Lahore, first he demanded a fully loaded Toyota Car and later he switched to buying a house for him in Defense Housing Scheme – He also showed me a few land papers a few of his devotees had given to him to prove their devotion to Muhammed ( saw ) or to him in pursuit of the Haqeeqat he wanted to reveal.

On one occasion in Lahore he gave me his personal bank account no also in foreign currency account which some how or other I lost , which I regret very much other wise this could have been another proof – may be all this was making me suspicious and I never took him seriously to even save the account no , thanks to Allah ( swt ).

He possibly thought that as I have lived in Saudi Arabia or Gulf countries for many years and have served at higher positions , I must have over flowing bank balance. He would repeatedly ask me of my balance of account but knowing of his intention I would normally avoid to answer this query – he did not realize that an honest person has to live on day to day or month to month basis with the liabilities & family responsibility around him or her.

Never the less , those who had fallen to his prey I was told they did pay for a house for him in Defense in Lahore , and for a fully loaded car and what not I have heard and read about all the non sense to reach Miraaj ie taking him as Muhammed ( saw ) and seeing him means seeing Allah ( swt ) in human uniform – In poetic words , Nazar Aa libaasey majaaz meiN- AstaghfarAllah.

7. His demand of money or substance was not the only thing which was making me suspicious but his knowledge of Islam, Quran , Hadeeth or even of Tasawuff was questionable – Of course he would openly say that all translations and tafseers are wrong and only he knew the Haqeeqat of Allah ( swt ) and Rasool or Muhammed ( saw ) which his devotees will take it for granted and hail him in very high esteem but all this bothered me a great deal and I started parting away from him cautioning others as well. I never found his interpretation or what ever he was saying or writing as a columnist during those days in an Urdu paper Pakistan in Lahore, intellectually stimulating or of any clarity of vision but it was jugglery of words used for deception , neither it was of any caliber of even saintly writing or verses or expression I had and have gone through but I could hear all praises of his knowledge and eloquence from his core devotees.

His core devotees I knew of were like just His Master Voice in thinking and some time adopted even his style of speech , selecting the same pattern of words and sentences.

A few of his responses to my queries were direct Shirk.- for example while discussing Prophet Issa / Jesus ( pbuh ) with me in a gathering he said that people calling Jesus son of God is wrong but if they called him God it is right and I was shocked to hear this from him and that day only I knew where to he is leading his devotees. The Quran is so clear on the subject but obviously Yusuf had his own Quran or of it’s new interpretation and philosophy to offer.

Beside, in all this process I was confused , unable to understand or find any Mission or Objective of this new group in making , worth while to be associated with – Why should one take him for Khalifaey Azam or what ever he claimed – what this group is heading for I will always question. All prophets and messengers of Allah ( swt ) had a mission and objective up to the finality of Muhammed ( saw ) , so where was the mission for Yusuf even if one take him as a leader or a person who may revive Daurey Khilafat , other than just throwing spell on others and enjoying the gift by his blind folded devotees or a religious loot through emotional exploitation – The only thing which I was told is that just stick around with Yusuf and be blessed that is a Miraaj itself , and from some corner it was also mentioned that they were preparing for Ghuzwatul Hind as per one of the prophecies of Prophet Muhammed ( saw ) and Yusuf also one time offered greetings to me that I will participate in this Ghuzwah. (possibly till the time he had a hope that I will pay him the whole some amount what he demanded which obviously did not materialize – ashkur Allah ).

Further more , It gave me also a warning signal as why to gain popularity Yusuf desperately and wrongly propagates his close & long association with Abul Ala Maudoodi , or WAMY or any other political or religious person or institution when he claims to have been given the status of Niabatey Rasool and Khilafte Uzma by the Prophet Muhammed ( saw ) himself through a saint died 300 years ago ie Abdullah Ghazi ( alai rahma ) – What is any body’s status to compare with Muhammed ( saw ) ?

# Let us also ponder that if Muhammed ( saw ) is Allah ( swt ) Himself and Jesus ( pbuh ) or any other prophets carried the personal Noor of Allah in human uniform then why was it not revealed this way – and Quranic revelation + teaching of Muhammed ( saw ) differentiates this – Since when another Wahie than Wahie Matlui and Ghair Matlui was sent to other than Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutaalib – and is it not a mockery of Allah ( swt ) and His Rasool ( saw ) that they had hidden all this till now and Yusuf and his like before along with their core devotees only could know this Haqeeqat – Was or Is Allah ( swt ) afraid of any one not to reveal this – ( aoozobiAllah ) – What a satanic inclusion and intrusion.

A Quranic verse was referred to prove their point which again was quoted out of context – Those who use Quranic verse from any where and apply any where to suit them without caring for the cause of it’s revelation make blunders in it’s interpretation – I have found this happening with many so called scholars also.

Such an innovation and amalgamation have always been done in other revelations of Allah ( swt ) before Quran ( which is under His direct protection ) , but satanic people will never fail to attempt to create doubts in Quran as well and by interpreting it different and contrary to Muhammed ( saw ) teachings and actions.

Support of Hadees : I heard from one of Yusuf devotee about a Riwaiyat referred to Abu Huraira( ra ) that he said to a few Sahabas as if he knew this Haqeeqat that Muhammed ( saw ) is the Allah ( swt ) himself but if he said it openly the sahabaas will kill him so he kept it to himself – Can any one imagine the blasphemy this statement or riwaiyat carries to even Abu Hurairah ( ra ) and Muhammed ( saw ) and Allah ( swt ) -This obviously has been fabricated and falls in to the category of Innovative ( Maodou ) Hadees which must be at once rejected than capitalizing on this and creating a fitna or a cult.

8. My inhibitions, and resistance to meet Yusuf demand obviously with the passage of time placed me in a circle outside of him but I continued giving my advices to a few of his devotees I knew , that they have to be careful and cautious – they were following a very dangerous path and this has nothing to do with Islam and Tasawuff . The whole thing was a hoax to me leading to another cult and derailment from the clear path of Islam and against the teaching of our beloved Prophet ( saw ).I did consult a few mature , religious people and even from Soofi clan and they all confirmed my suspicion about him and thought that he could be an Aamil who has acquired a few magical spell to throw it on people and make them his devotees – wa-Allah o alam.

After I moved and settled in Canada – I learnt that a case was filed against him by the Majlisey Tahffuze Nabuwat and I could see Yusuf was heading for the end of his Tasalsul of Muhammed ( saw ) or being at the seat of Khilafate Uzma or Mahdiat. na-ozobiAllah.

9. It may not be out of place to mention that I know parents of ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] and JZ and in-laws of ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] and of their other relations who come from very respectable family and are straight forward practicing Muslims – They showed a lot of concern and anxiety to me to the way Yusuf was misleading their children and family members and Z + J parents in tears requested me to help the situation , so did ZZ’s [Zaid Zaman Hamid's] father in law told me to counsel them – which I tried and even when I was in Canada and when Yusuf trial was going on in Pakistan I had been writing to ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] & JZ to make Yusuf do Tauba & Istaghfar and submit to Allah ( swt ). I even wrote to ZZ [Zaid Zaman Hamid] what I dreamt about Yusuf which clearly indicated to me that he will face humiliation , insult & will be cursed but no heed was paid to my discourse and the devotees saw floods of Noor in Yusuf even in Jail – One can not change any one’s fate or destiny if he or she does not want to change – Quran says that, “ it is not the eyes only but hearts are blinded as well ’’.

10. The One Missing Link : Hazrat or Murshid of Yusuf : Who was he ?

On my one time visit to Yusuf’s small house in Lahore as mentioned , he told me that he has an associate older to him and he is like a Murshid , Guide and a Messenger to him who has informed Yusuf that now his status has excelled Shaeikh Abdul Qadir Gilanee and much beyond.Yusuf mentioned to me that all such saints like Sheikh Abdul Qadir carried the same Noor in them called Muhammed ( saw ) but now I ( Yusuf ) have been elevated at a higher status. The way Yusuf spoke of this man was like a Murshid or Sheikh to him but yusuf said that his Sheikh has even confirmed that I ( Yusuf ) is of higher status than him.

I always wondered who was / is , this Man [i.e. The Murshid of Yusuf] ? I never met him – I could not again remember his name – I asked ZZ and JZ about him but they told me not to worry – They said that they have met him , he comes some time but with no introduction , undisclosed and unidentified to many among the visitors. Is he still alive , living where ?Why during the trial he was not mentioned and brought to answer queries made about Yusuf – This could have shed more light on the whole thing. Is he the person who is the main culprit , mislead Yusuf and brought him to face what he eventually did. What sort of influence he still carries among the group members if there are any hidden members left ?

Beside , what is the back ground of Yusuf himself , where are his parents , in laws or any other relation – why they did not come on surface even during the trial and tribulation ?

11. What ever the association I have had with Yusuf ( met him only 5 or 6 times – 2 times in isolation in closed rooms and 4 times in small gathering , never attended his world assembly or any large meeting or his inner core meetings or attended to his sermons given in mosque ), and what ever I have observed , listened from the members of this group it was more of a research project and inquisitiveness for me to dig in if there was any thing special he had to say than I did not know of the philosophy of such cults but to my dismay there was nothing new to me , same old mysterious tales and statements in riddle for any one to keep guessing and conclude what ever he or she wants , an aura or a charisma of the Murshid beyond any doubt and with absolute authority entrusted upon.

# I learnt about Yusuf even more from an audio cassette of his world assembly recently posted at website , read about him in many papers , and knew of his back ground more from his devotees and in such cases the leaders or guides or Peers or Murshids are overly projected and given a status he or she does not posses or importance he or she does not deserve.

Kuch tto hoatey haiN muhabbat meiN junooN ke aasaar

Aur koch loag bhi deewanaa bana deitey haiN.

Many of his devotees now after his assassination in Jail, I understand have reverted to Islam-Alhamdoli- Allah , Good luck to them and God bless them.

12. What I learnt directly from him and from his devotees and from other reliable sources, the summery of the basic few beliefs of this group were or are as follows :

1. Allah ( swt ) & Muhammed ( saw ) are the eternal noor and one and the same thing – This is what Yusuf and his like has said for centuries as Haqeeqatey Muhammadi.

2. The continuity of this Noor is unending – The same noor was in Adam ( alaihi assalam ) and all prophets or messengers and also in famous Wali-Allahs.

3. Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Mutallib was also a carrier of the same Noor.

4. The promised Mahdi or Imam will also carry the same Noor.

5. So Allah ( swt ) basically travels some time on this earth in human uniform naming Muhammed and this is a transformation of Haqeeqat to Majaaz.

13. Based on the above Yusuf ( which I consider was totally disillusioned and must have gone through illusionary process , having hallucinations )called himself as Tasalsul of Muhammed , appeared in front of his close devotees as Muhammed , called himself Ana Muhammed , named some body’s house or the basement of his house as Ghaarey Hara , called his devotees as Sahabaas , called them all in superlative degree to bring excitement and thrill to them , played with their psyche to be loved and acknowledged for their more forceful attachment to him and by self counseling he must have been so convinced about what he desired to be that all his wishful thinking must be coming as a true dreams to him with open eyes and must also be hearing his voice of inner misguided self – artificially creating a similitude and comparing himself to Muhammed ( saw ) and his family and devotees as of Ahley Bait at-haar and Sahaabaas ( raa).

By the way calling Baitey Yusuf Raza the house of one of his devotee as Gharey Hira in the world assembly speech ( I have no idea when was it carried out ) I heard recently on an audio cassette posted on website is again a wrong similitude as Ghaarey Hira was the place of meditation and receiving the divine revelation or message and not declaring the Prophet hood , neither any assembly was done at Ghaarey Hira – it was on the hills & valley of Faraan where Prophet ( saw ) assembled most of tribal leaders and his relation and declared himself publicly first time as the Prophet of God – I can understand Yusuf historical inadequacy of knowledge to link the event with proper place but what about his devotees ? None could correct him for his childish impulses ? This is the most hilarious audio cassette I have ever heard but it is so comprehensively recorded that it exposes him completely and this ONE proof itself is more than sufficient to declare him a Lunatic.

Text / Gist / Content of this Audio Cassette is as follows ( this is copied from a website ) :

Time Line
of the audio:
00:00 starts with Yousuf speech
02:08 there are 100 “sahabas” here sitting (in bait e raza!!) – Yusuf being Muhammed there.
04:20 introduces Abdul Wahid. a financer cum”sahabi”
05:30 Abdul Wahid (first “sahabi”) arrives to speak and declares Yusuf as God in human uniform. Libaasey Majaaz meiN.
07:20 yousuf kazzab introduces Zaid Zaman as “sahabi”
09:30 Zaid Zaman speaks to praise yousuf ali in response to his title as “sahabi” calling Yusuf as Mardey Momin.

10:10 Yousuf call bait e raza lahore similar to ghar e hira –

14:20 Yousuf says all the translations by ulama “naqis” and himself as Ataab / Sun.
15:00 Yousuf says “ALllah Muhammad all are one”- this is the Haqeeqat mentioned.
24:24 Yousuf announces all the participants as “jannati”. aap kee jannat pakki
26:40 apparent daughter fatimas marriage(”apparent” a special terminology used by yousuf to give similarity to Muhammad sallallaho laihe wasallam,sometimes he used to say “ana muhammad” i am his mureeds..naoozubill ah).
47:33 2 and a half year old kid announced as having deedar of ALLAH the grandson of “sahabi” Mr Abdul Wahid .

50:40 Yousuf Kazzab says I can see muhammad everywhere .


Hesham A Syed is alive and well and can be contacted personally at heshamsyed@yahoo. ca

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