Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance writer & Researcher;
Ref: PR-1001
Indian Media blocking Pakistani visitors
Rawalpindi/Pakistan "“ February 09, 2009
Freedom of speech is always a very critical ingredient of a nation building process. This ensures that the truth will never be contaminated and the lies will survive not more than an affordable period. The societies, which do not ensure the freedom of speech never able to ensure their survival in the long run or, at least, the stability always remains alien to such societies This is what common Indians are experiencing now a days, especially after the Bombay terror Attacks.
It is has been observed by many Pakistani Web Surfers that Indian Media is blocking their access to the discussion forums and communities hosted by them, in order to prevent any unwanted injection of information into Indian society.
The most recent example established by one of the top Indian Internet based news website, India Times. Which had blocked posts of one of the Pakistan based Freelance Writer and Researcher without giving any reasons. The posts, which had been made in QnA section of their website, were mainly about the consequences and reasons of Bombay terror attacks. Where the poster, Sajjad Ahmad, had tried to show the other side of the picture to the Indian audiences. But India Times failed to inhale the facts and decided to forcefully stop him from making any further posts.
If this practice is allowed un-moderated. Then it could cut off the Indian society from rest of the world and Freedom of speech and right of information of the Indian people will be compromised. This will result in largely biased society through out India, which is not only dangerous to them but also for the rest of the world.
We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Author and Moderator