Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance writer & Researcher;
Ref: PR-1002
Require writers and researchers for different Pakistani website
Rawalpindi/Pakistan "“ February 09, 2009
In the world of today, electronic and print media is becoming a major player in world politics. In the meanwhile, many ill-minded and ideologically corrupt intellectuals, together with interest based reporters and writers are using the power and independence of media to divert the attentions of common people to non-issues.
It is, therefore, observed that many more people from around the world and also from Pakistan are gearing up to protect the collective interests and shared ideologies from such fake story tellers and taking initiative to spare some time and effort for their beloved country and people.
However, many out of those have lack of experience and knowledge as to how to get access to large audience through media. A good thing is that even from Pakistan, lot of new websites are emerging and providing opportunities to such freelance writers and researchers to publish their articles and other write-ups on their websites. Some of the examples include PakistanThinkTank.Org, Rediff.Com.PK, Taqaza.Com, MakePakistanBetter.Com, Daily.Pk and many others.
All such freelance writers and researchers, who either wish to make their careers or doing such work as a mission, could approach these websites for publication of their articles and research reports. Additionally, such writers and researchers could also send their articles, research reports and news etc to above-mentioned E-Mail addresses. All such materials will be forwarded to the collection of administrators and editors of such websites, after careful & honest review of the material.
We all need to unite and stand as one against the common enemies
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer & Researcher Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Author and Moderator