"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem
25th April, 2008
The Editor,
Letters to the Editor Column
Dear Editor: Peace be upon you

I read a statement from The European Union that Gen. Musharraf will stay in power for "Entire Term"! I find this interference in Pakistan's internal  affairs very unacceptable. Especially when we see that the European Union is trying to strengthen a thorough dictator, extremely corrupt and a known state  terrorist.

Gen. Musharraf has no public mandate. In order to start new term the President must have new and fresh mandate other wise the process does not even qualify the  term election. In his so called Elections Gen. Musharraf bypassed 160 million people of Pakistan who hated him from their guts as reflected in all International Surveys as well as the elections of   the National Assembly. People elected those who opposed Musharraf  with 2/3rd majority. Gen. Musharraf   violated Pakistan Constitutions which does not allow a Government  Servant to contest elections while he is in Government Service and for  two years afterwards.
Gen. Musharraf with the help of terrorist organization MQM killed   over 40 innocent citizens on May 12th 2007 and stopped Chief Justice  of Pakistan to enter Karachi. The  innocent people who came to greet  Chief Justice were killed like sitting ducks. Then on 9th April 2008, he with collaboration of MQM  again killed several lawyers and their clients by burning them alive .
I had personally challenged Gen. Musharraf in the Supreme Court on legal grounds along with two other parties. When Gen. Musharraf saw that Supreme Court will give a decision against him, he arrested all the judges and you know the rest of the story. Don't European Union feels ashamed over supporting such  person? Has it any conscience at all????    
Dr. Anwar Ul Haque
116. St. 49 F 11/3
Islamabad 44000
Phone 03335129849
 Reply:   Pubmed
Replied by(Patriotic_Pakistani) Replied on (9/Jan/2010)

I don't find even a single publication of your's on Pubmed. It means that you have not contributed anything in advancing the field of Pathology!!!! Action speaks louder then the words.
 Reply:   !
Replied by(Patriotic_Pakistani) Replied on (9/Jan/2010)

Dr. Haque, you are trained in USA. I think you still maintain American nationality. USA has made what you are right now. Its hypocrisy to blame USA on your behalf. I think, you need to focus on your subject. Why don't you open up a lab here where basic science experiments can be done? You cry too much about the pathetic state of affairs of the muslims with respect to science but are not doing anything practical about it.....
 Reply:   There is no super power except
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (27/Apr/2008)
With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Dear All: Assalmao Alaikum.
Please note that:
1) There is no super power except Allah Ta'lah
2) Al-Qaeedah is a House of White Lies Creation and hence we have no sympathy for Bush manufatured dramas
3) The biggest terrorist is israel and USA and European countries are simply slave of the Zionists
4) We are not against Amercian and European people. Actually we would like to save them from the hell of both worlds and we would like to free them from Zionist slavery.
4) It is USA Government under Zionist control which killed hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings. So USA Government and its master israel needs total security under the control of Allah fearing people who could not attack innocent people as it is totally forbidden in Islam to kill any innocent person.
5) Islam is the biggest antidote of terrorism and hence all terrorists of the world including Israel, USA and Euroepan Gvoernments, India and Russia etc are afraid of Islam as it would effectively stop their terrorism.
6) IMF and World Bank are afraid that Islam and Islam alone can stop expolitation of the poor and weak by the Zionists Economic Terrorists.
So dear if you want to be afraid of Bush and co, please do so, we are not afraid of Bush and all his combined might. Their defeat is written on the wall and people suffering from immense inferiroty complexes are afraid of them. We fear Allah and Allah alone and hence we fear none else. Allaho Akbar. Rest ara all Asghar.
With Regards,
Anwar Ul Haque
 Reply:   An Open Letter to Jose Manuel
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (25/Apr/2008)
Dear Jose Manuel Barroso, President European Union: Peace be upon you and your beloved family members.

I read a statement from The European Union that Gen. Musharraf will stay in power for "Entire Term"! I find this interference in Pakistan's internal  affairs very unacceptable. Especially when we see that the European Union is trying to strengthen a thorough dictator, extremely corrupt and a known state  terrorist.
Gen. Musharraf has no public mandate. In order to start new term the President must have new and fresh mandate other wise the process does not even qualify the  term election. In his so called Elections Gen. Musharraf bypassed   160 million people of Pakistan who hated him from their guts as reflected in all International Surveys as well as the elections of   the National Assembly. People elected those who opposed Musharraf  with 2/3rd majority. Gen. Musharraf   violated Pakistan Constitutions which does not allow a Government  Servant to contest elections while he is in Government Service and for  two years afterwards.
Gen. Musharraf with the help of terrorist organization MQM killed   over 40 innocent citizens on May 12th 2007 and stopped Chief Justice  of Pakistan to enter Karachi. The  innocent people who came to greet  Chief Justice were killed like sitting ducks. Then on 9th April 2008, he with collaboration of MQM  again killed several lawyers and their clients by burning them alive .
I had personally challenged Gen. Musharraf in the Supreme Court on legal grounds along with two other parties. When Gen. Musharraf saw that Supreme Court will give a decision against him, he arrested all the judges and you know the rest of the story. Don't you really feel ashamed over supporting such  person? Have you any conscience at all????    

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