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User Name: DrShahidQureshi
Full Name: Dr Shahid Qureshi
User since: 21/Jan/2010
No Of voices: 19
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Indian Game in Afghanistan & US Suicide in FATA of Pakistan(2) by Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi Created On: 11/Jun/2010 Views: 3324 Replies: 0 
On the flip side of the picture of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, boarding the Freedom Flotilla, we should observe the fall of the Arabs, in all of their variations. It is no small thing for Turkish flags to fill the space of the rally organized by Hizbullah, and for the party’s secretary general to compare what the “red flag” can do, along with the “yellow flag” of the resistance. However, the lesson in a Click here to read Full Article

What make Nawaz Sharif U-Turn on NWFP-18th By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 10/Apr/2010 Views:3592 Replies:0 
What spell comes on Nawaz Sharif leader of PML-N that he got into the pro-India ANP/PPP/MQM trap laid for 18th Amendment on the name changing of the NWFP? The editorial of historically pro Nawaz Shairf leading daily newspaper ‘Nawa-eWaqat’ published on 2nd April 2010 should have been enough for PML-N as a wake up call. Click here to read Full Article
Mumbai Bombing Trial –DavidHedley & Negligence of Zardari Regime By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 9/Apr/2010 Views:3587 Replies:0 
Shortly before the February 2008 Elections in Pakistan, in an article by Michele Chossudovsky of Global Research said that it would be the effort of the USA to install a regime in Pakistan that does not care about national interests. Well, America appears to have succeeded as far as Pakistan’s relations with India are concerned. The first sign of ‘India First’ policy of Zardari regime came when hi Click here to read Full Article
Where is MQM leader Altaf Hussain?
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 23/Mar/2010 Views:3960 Replies:0 
British security agencies have been able to trace the kidnapped British child Sahil, after a successful international operation and arrested kidnappers. On the other hand the sudden disappearance of Mr Altaf Hussain, a long distance leader of the MQM based in London is still a mystery. Due to some unknown reasons Mr Altaf Hussain couldn’t do annual address by live TV broadcast. It is suspected tha Click here to read Full Article
The London Post..Blackwater-MQM Ready to Fight in Karachi by By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 8/Feb/2010 Views:5560 Replies:1 
MQM has ordered its elite t errorist wing to move from South Africa to Pakistan for the final round with the Armed Forces and make Karachi Beirut of Pakistan leading to the separation as independent territory. Though it might not be relevant to the South African government now but may become problem in future. It is understood that elite terrorist unit is active by looking at the targeted killing Click here to read Full Article
MQM Caught Spying on Pakistan by Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 4/Feb/2010 Views:5934 Replies:0 
MQM caught spying red-handed for foreign nationals and smuggling classified state material outside Pakistan and violated Official Secret Act. According to a report published in the press Waseem Akthar (MNA) and former advisor to the Chief Minister on policing caught with spying devices and equipments. It is reported that MQM members in Karachi were sending recordings of the meetings with President Asif Zaradri, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilliani, Chief Minister, and Interior Minister Rehman Malik. Click here to read Full Article
Beware with US Prophecies of Indo-Pakistan War by Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 25/Jan/2010 Views:3618 Replies:0 
A million dollar question is why both dodgy Al-Qeeda’s chief Osama Bin Laden and 'Mumbai Terror Mastermind and Suspect' half Jewish US citizen David William Hedley were/are US assets? US should handover Mr. Hedley to the Indians for investigations so future wars could be avoided Click here to read Full Article
MQM & Altaf Backstabbing Pakistan By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 21/Jan/2010 Views:5504 Replies:0 
General Moin Haider a Mohajr told newsmen that the MQM (members) had travelled to India on diplomatic passports provided by the Indian government and "were playing into the hands of India Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 18/Jan/2010 Views:6194 Replies:0 
MQM gangster Hajji Jalal murdered on the road in broad day light while Altaf Hussain is in full control of Karachi? Hajji Jalal was in the inner circle of the self exiled British Citizen and London based leader of MQM Altaf Hussain. He was one of the criminals wanted in connection with the torture a Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 3/Jan/2010 Views:4188 Replies:0 
Pakistan’s spy chief Lt. General Shuja Pasha reportedly gave proofs of CIA’s involvement into destabilizing/ terrorist activities in Pakistan. According to some assessments US mercenaries with support of ‘locally recruited agents’ are behind the targeted killings of senior Pakistani military office Click here to read Full Article
Blackwater and MQM's Hallmarks on Karachi Fire-Bombing By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Posted By: DrShahidQureshi On: 2/Jan/2010 Views:2964 Replies:0 
MQM and Blackwater/Xe are US sponsored mafia style mercenary outfits due to their management structure as it is almost the same both groups' chiefs are out of Pakistan to start with. Click here to read Full Article

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