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Are we there yet? By Barrister Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:2014 Replies:0 
Pakistan always provides fun and enjoyable news and events for publication and broadcast. The fair which is ongoing in Islamabad is not short of intersect glamour and thin blue line of religious patronage. On the current situation, Chief Executive’s patience with protestors and resilience to stand by the parliamentary form of govt is applauded Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan Political Crisis: Who lost and who won? by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:3047 Replies:0 
Prevailing political stalemate in the country with agitators of both Pakistan Tehrik-e- Insaaf (PTI) and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) observing sit-in at capital city of Islamabad, blocking sensitive Red Zone and threatening vital Govt buildings, have negatively impacted the entire nation causing fretful anxiety for all segments of society. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan: Emerging Democracy or Hall of Shame by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1765 Replies:0 
The nation’s capital is under siege for over two weeks. People want political change and justice to their grievances that is nowhere to be seen. The demonstrators are not hired agitators but real people standing for hard core moral principles and democratic values. Islamabad depicts chaos, extreme insecurity and frightening trend of political mismanagement and failed governance. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: nrqazi On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:3013 Replies:0 
There has been an unending stream of propaganda against Pakistan ever since she decided to go nuclear. She is variously described as a violent country, failed and most dangerous state, hub of terrorism where women are mercilessly abused, etc. etc. Given the repetition, over time, such depictions are bound to make unsuspecting people accept these a Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: Huriyat On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1698 Replies:0 
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Posted By: Huriyat On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1676 Replies:0 
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Pervez Musharraf’s bumpy tenure by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1679 Replies:0 
After untimely sacking of Gen Jahangir Karamat by PM Nawaz Sharif, Lt Gen Ali Kuli Khan being the senior most and doing as CGS was the obvious choice for the next COAS. Hardnosed Lt Gen Khalid Nawaz, Commander 11 Corps was next in the line and flamboyant Lt Gen Pervez Musharraf commanding 1 Corps was third in the seniority list. The two brothers, Secretary Defence retired Lt Gen Iftikhar Ali and C Click here to read Full Article
SHAME by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1721 Replies:0 
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Who dug ditch for you? by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1742 Replies:0 
PM Nawaz as an honest and neutral person I am writing it in your favor despite the fact that I am siding with Imran + Qadri who are after your skin for so many long months and now it is a matter of just few hours, less than 12 hours, when perhaps your fate will be decided once for all. Anyway, at this point of time I want you to please be very cool and calm and look back as to who is your Aristot Click here to read Full Article
Signs of the times, the End Times
Posted By: chaudry On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:3108 Replies:0 
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) foretold 72 signs that would appear near the Day of Doom: Click here to read Full Article
US Transfers Pakistani Bagram Detainees to Islamabad, Angering Kabul by Ayaz Gul
Posted By: chaudry On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1676 Replies:0 
The fate of nine Pakistani detainees who were held at a U.S. military prison in Afghanistan is a source of friction between Islamabad and Kabul. Afghan authorities say the men are dangerous terrorists who threaten the region, and they oppose Washington’s transfer of them to Pakistani custody. Click here to read Full Article
Political storm is drooping by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:2226 Replies:0 
Dark clouds are swirling over the horizons of Pakistan owing to the tense political situation in Islamabad since August 14. Phenomenon of long march in Pakistan started from 1989 onwards. It fetched mixed results ranging from complete failure to partial success to complete success as it happened in July 1993 and March 2009. Tahirul Qadri (TuQ), head of Minhajul Quran and Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT Click here to read Full Article
High Noon in Pakistan by KHALED ALMAEENA
Posted By: TARIQA On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:2474 Replies:0 
In Pakistan a Mexican standoff is taking place. Opposition politician Imran Khan, who recently called off talks with the elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and populist cleric Tahir ul-Qadri are parked in front of Parliament in Islamabad with both demanding that Sharif quit. Click here to read Full Article
Judges Inconvenience by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1454 Replies:0 
It is highly deplorable that the honourable judges of the Supreme Court had to traverse a considerable distance on foot to reach the court due to the sit ins (dharna) of PTI and PAT. The honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan had, therefore, to issue orders for the clearance of Red Zone of all such hindrances and obstructions that were causing great inconvenience to the judges. Click here to read Full Article
Mirza Aslam Beg to Jahangir Karamat by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1665 Replies:0 
After the sudden death of Gen Ziaul Haq in a plane crash near Bahawalpur, VCOAS Gen Mirza Aslam Beg was appointed COAS by Chairman Senate Ghulam Ishaq Khan, elevated as Acting President. Gen Beg did not supersede any officer and served from August 17, 1988 to August 16, 1991. Although he had an opportunity to declare martial law since the country had plunged into serious crisis because there was n Click here to read Full Article
From Ayub Khan to Ziaul Haq by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1612 Replies:0 
When the British finally decided to divide India into two sovereign States, it was reluctant to divide the Indian Army. Quad-e-Azam was repeatedly advised to desist from division but he stood firm saying ‘a country is not sovereign without its own armed forces to defend its sovereignty’. On August 14, 1947, the day Pakistan was born; Lt Gen Sir Frank Messervy was appointed C-in-C Pakistan Army and Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan: Sharif’s resignation is not acceptable to Zardari -DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1475 Replies:0 
The illusory air of change is looming all over Pakistan but no one is sure about anything. Some might see an Arab spring in the ongoing agitations in Islamabad led by Imran Khan for a regime change which does not look possible now. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: MAKC On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1969 Replies:0 
In Western democracies, the concept of separation of powers is a doctrine of constitutional law, whereby three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) are separate and independent of each other so as to prevent abuse of power. For instance, when executive is involved in abuse of law, the independent judiciary can take the executive to task. This provides a system of checks an Click here to read Full Article
Form of Government by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1522 Replies:0 
If nothing else the long marches by Imran and Dr. Qadri have dawned the realization to all that not all is well with our rulers and the electoral system that elects them. Talks are also rife that apart from the electoral reforms the life of the assemblies should also be curtailed to four years instead of the present five years. In a TV Talk Show someone also mentioned about the presidential form Click here to read Full Article
Global Warriors Revisit Iraq’s Wounds to Destroy the Arab World by Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:1746 Replies:0 
Long ago, John Adams describing how the British lost America noted: “the pride and vanity of that nation is a disease; it is a delirium, it has been flattered and inflamed so long by themselves and others that it perverts everything.” Wars are not a prelude to peace but kill people and undermine the habitat for the living human beings, destroy humanity by raging coercive man’s instinct - animosity Click here to read Full Article

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