"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Assalamo Alaikum.

Mullah Omar will Insha Allah go in the history as 3rd Omar due to following reasons:

  1. He defeated combined might of USA, Europe, India and Russia
  2. He took principled act of not handing over an innocent human being on bogus charges. He asked USA Government to provide one solid evidence that Osamah was involved in 9/11. As USA had no evidence whatsoever he said that it is against Islamic and Afghan traditions to hand over an innocent guest to the beasts
  3. He refused to become the partner in International Heroin Smuggling; a trillion dollar trade under full control of underground drug mafia. He thus saved lives of millions of Christians during his regime. The Drug mafia was convulsing according to writer Barbra during that time when Omar, the 3rd stopped heroin cultivation in Afghanistan as admitted by Jewish Scholar Noam Chomsky
  4. Mullah Omar's hardly one page interview to Voice of America was so powerful that Bush had to ban its airing in which Omar had said that Afghanistan has no problems with USA but if USA wants good relations with Muslims it should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Muslim countries
  5. Under the command of Mullah Omar, Afghanistan will again prove to be a crusher of so called super powers. If one super power killed another; no big deal but imagine one of the poorest third world country crushing the two super powers right in front of our eyes! In the past Afghans had taught a lesson to British but alas they also forgot the lesson and appear to take another lesson Insha Allah soon.
  6. Under the command of Mullah Omar clergy had no real power. he rejected the call of all clergies to hand over Osamah to USA or extradite him. Omar stood firm and said that nothing doing; no proof no hand over it is as simple as that. Afterward Uncle SAM (Sub-Animal Materialism) started making its own proofs through the House of White Lies (WHite House) and produced 3rd grade movies of Osamah etc. Of course Egyptian film industry is helping Uncle SAM to create Zaharawi and many others so called AL-Qaeeda activists. It shoudl be noted that Quran ahd condemned on many occasions Qaeeda people. How can an Arab Muslim would name his organization after a term condemned in Quran at several places
  7. Mullah Omar created immense justice and treated prisoners very well. As a result famoust British journalist Yuonne Riddley later after release from prison after thoroughly studying Quran reverted to Islam. Just compare the treatment given to Yuonne Riddley to the treatment given to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. Just please compare and you will know who is the lowest of the low of all beasts and who is above angel.
Anwar Ul Haque
P.S: Burning  of female schools and barbar shops etc etc and several other acts of violence are actually done by RAW, Moosad etc in order to defame Muslims and to cut the sympathy or support for the forces which are giving tough resistance to NATO and other foreign occupying forces. Many media programs including GEO, Express, ARY etc as part of Uncle SAM are actively involved in fooling rahter than imprating turth to the people. Beware of these puppies and puppets
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