"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: APL
Full Name: Association of Pakistani Lawyers (UK)
User since: 24/Nov/2010
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UK Lawyers condemned burning the Quran in UK by BNP activist
(LONDON 1 April) APL (Association of Pakistani Lawyers), a team of Pakistani origin lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, and Judges in UK has condemned in the strongest terms the burning of the Quran by Sion Owens a British national party activist who is aspiring to be a member of parliament.
APL has condemned the burning and termed it unacceptable that 41 years old who was arrested for breaching section 29 of the Public Order Act has been released on technicalities by Swansea Magistrates. The video evidence which clearly depicted him carrying out such provocative act must be used to advance a case against such criminals who wish to destroy the peaceful British society which is built on justice, equality, tolerance and multiculturalism. Lack of acknowledgement and befitting action will pave way for a sense of deprivation in Muslim community whose claim and grouses are not addressed on merit. 
APL earlier demanded action from US President and UK premier against Terry Jones the originator of the idea on the premises that burning Quran will cause hurt to billions of human souls around the world, and US administration must own the responsibility and come up to the task. Freedom of expression will be abused if one’s freedom causes enormous damage to the other side of the fence, and we must resort to mend fences not to widen the gulf.  
APL observed that burning of ‘Quran’ or similar intolerant actions are unacceptable by a civilised society like UK and it will be counterproductive and will escalate intolerance all around the globe especially at a time when US and UK forces are fighting against radical outfits in Muslim states such as Afghanistan, Iraq. These episodes of intolerance will aid the philosophy of radical outfits and will provide them fodder for propaganda to unite all anti western forces at one platform.  
APL demanded stern action from Prime Minister David Cameron to curb such extremism of mind which is and will be against the public order and national interest of United Kingdom and it will hamper relations of UK with the Islamic world in general and its people.  
APL pointed out that OIC must take notice and revisit their efforts to canvass Islamic countries to put joint diplomatic pressure on the burning of Quran and consider setting up a body to reach out to the Western world to bridge the gap. APL observed that if a joint attempt to ‘give and take’ policy is not adopted, a chain of uncalled events may emerge from within these intolerant events of burning Quran or banning mosques minarets or hijab which will be regrettable but will be disastrous to the efforts of bringing the unity in this global village.  It is common fact that when law does not address public anxiety and no forum of complaint is available then those who mutilate public feelings on the name of freedom and wider security will deepen the gulf further and will result in a clash wiping out the middle ground or saner voices.
APL further expressed anguish at careless statements and urged the communities to remain calm and use their right to protest in a maximum peaceful manner and discourage any attempts to use or stir violence on the name of religion even in their speeches.
APL has raised this issue with British Prime Minister David Cameron to convey Muslim community feelings about the deepest sadness over the burning Quran issue which could have been avoided, or at least punished as a deterrent to avoid future incidents of jeopardizing public order in UK and Europe.
Signed By Chair & Secretary
Barrister Amjad Malik Of Association of Pakistani Lawyers (UK)
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
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