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User Name: APL
Full Name: Association of Pakistani Lawyers (UK)
User since: 24/Nov/2010
No Of voices: 57
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APL Welcomes Commission on Memo scandal, Barrister Amjad Malik , Chair APL


LONDON, January 2, 2012 - The Association of Pakistani Lawyers (APL), a team of Pakistani origin lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, and Judges in UK has welcomed the Superior Court verdict appointing a three member high powered judicial commission to probe & report on 10 May 2011 post Osama Bin laden Operation memorandum allegedly sent  to US officials by Mansoor Ijaz, its origin, authenticity and objective(s) in four weeks to Supreme Court. APL has declared it a way forward in this standoff as inaction would have led to disastrous effects on national security situation in Pakistan.


APL opined that whether the alleged Memo is a serious ‘conspiracy’ or ‘useless’ piece of paper is a matter for superior courts to determine especially when institutions are at each other’s throat and lack consensus on the subject. However, It affirmed that on the other hand, setting national security policy is the remit of the Parliament where Govt implements that policy, but allowing the malicious memo standoff to lingering on may smite the weaker civilian rule prevalent in the country.


APL further observed that HussainHaqqani’s lawyer has not helped the cause by showing distrust on the high powered commission in advance especially when her clinet invited for an independent probe on the issue. She could have helped her client better if her arguments for Haqqani were based more on ‘maintainability’ of the petition than ‘politics’ behind, which was the job of the Govt lawyers to plead. APL said that both sides are playing politics on Haqqani who is a main ‘actor’ in this case either ‘star’ witnesses or ‘defence’ and if the issue is settled earlier, the better it is for the rule of law and democracy in Pakistan.

APL however is of the view that Security establishment has taken a firm stand on ‘Memo gate’ and on its treasonous terms offered to the third country which carries a national security element, which cannot be rebuffed easily. Parliament on the whole must decide to start with whether if right as alleged, could this memo ever serve any national interest, and if the answer is no, parliament must pave way for the independent probe by the courts which is the ultimate solution to ease tension in this brinkmanship.


“If Govt attempted to continue the same attitude which they offered in ‘NRO’ case then, they will be at loss. They key to resolve the political unrest in the country is hidden in the implementation of ‘Charter of Democracy’ and seeking viable solution through a meaningful dialogue and seeking a fresh mandate. locking horn is no service to Pakistan, its people, and democracy, said Amjad Malik,



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