"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: jojo
Full Name: Rozi Shaheen
User since: 23/Jan/2009
No Of voices: 10
Rabi-ul-Awwal & Durood
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Bedtareen Janwer Allah Ky Nazdeek (Politicians and black hearted people)
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99 Beautiful Names of Allah
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Shame on you Pakistani politics
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In the name of Allah ,Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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Thanks Mery Mujahido(Army&Police)
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Mera Watan Pakistan, A sincere open letter of Pakistani Lady
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1: sura al-nifal: 203: Jab Quran perha jaya kary to us ke tarraf kan laga diya karo or khamosh raha karo Umeed hy ky tum per Allah ke rehmat ho.

Tafseer: Yeh un logon sy kaha ja raha hy jo Quran ke talawat kerty waqat shore kerty thay
or appny sathiyoun say kehty " yeh Quran mat suno or shore karo"
un say kaha ja raha hy ky shore kerny ke bajay khamosh ho ker suno ho sakta hy ky hiddayat pa lo.

2: sura al-nifal: 34: Or un ke namaz Kabba ky pass siraff yeh the seetiyan bajana or talliyan bajana so apny kuffer ky sabeb is azzab ka maza chakho.

Tafseer: Mushryqeen jis taran Bait Allah ka nanga tuwaff kerty thay isse taran wo tuwaff ky doran ungliyan munh main dal ker seetiyan or haton sy taliyan bajaty. Is ko wo abbadat or naike tasawer kerty thay jis taran aj be Jahil sufi Masjidon or Astano main raqs kerty dhool bajaty or dhamal dalty hain. Or kehty hain ky yehi humari abbadatien hain hum appny yar(Allah) ko mana lain gain.

Aj be ager hum appni massajid ke tarraf nigah dohrain to humary Molanas massajid main Dance kerty hain yeh kon sa Islam hy.
Masjid main unchi awazon main bolna or to or massajid main barode or aslah be farawani sy rakhty hain. Mare nazer main masjid ke byhurmati Kabbah ke byhurmati hay. Jis ny massajid ko in kamon ky liya use kiya us per Allah ka dardnak azzab ho ga. Insha Allah

3: sura al-nifal: 26: Ay eman walo! tum Allah or us ky Rasol(PBUH) ky haquk mian khiynat mat karo or appni qabil hiffazat cheezon main khiyanat mat karo or tum janty ho.

Tafseer: Ek shakhs ager kisi dusary ky pass ammanat rakhwata hy us main khiyant na karo. Nabi(PBUH) ny be ammanat maain hiffazat ki bari taqeed ke hay.
Hades main hay: "Us ka eman nahi jis ky under ammanet ke passdari nahi or us ka dein nahi jis ky under ahhed ke pabandi ka ehsas nahi".

4: sura al-nifal: 20: Or tum un logon ke taran mat honna jo dawa to kerty hain ky hum ny sun liya halanky wo sunty(sunaty kuch be) nahi.

Tafseer: Yani sun lany ky bawjude amal na kerna, yeh kafiron ka tarika hy, tum is say bacho yani yeh sab sy bedter hain jo haq ky muamly main behry gongay or ghair aqil(kam aqal) hain.

5: sura al-nifal: 21: Byshaq bedtareen janwer Allah ky nazdeek wo log hain jo behray hain, gongay hain jo ky(zara ) nahi samajty.

Tafseer: Is batt ko Quran main is taran biyan fermaya gaya hay!
     Un ky dil hain lakin wo samajty nahi, un ke ankhain hain lakien un say dekhty nahi or un ky kan hain lakin un say sunty nahi, yeh chopaiyoun ke taran hain, balky un say be ziyada gumrah. Yeh log( Allah say)bykhaber hain.

Ay Allah please hum sab ko tofique atta ferma ky hum namaz qaim karein or humaisha sach bolain or haq or batil ky dermiyan pehchan ker sakain. Ameen
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