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Shaista Wahidi is Sick . Must See This Video
Posted By: iffi Created On: 31/Aug/2011 Views: 8536 Replies: 3 
.Shaista Wahidi,clearly denied the existence of "JANNAT" in Aakhirat and advised viewers to not do BHAROSA on Jannat...Nauzubillah...strict action should be taken on her comments and she should be banned from live anchoring for such irresponsible & un-Islamic views. Click here to read Full Article

A computer Programe to Search every word/ every topic in Qura'n
Posted By: nrqazi On: 27/Aug/2011 Views:4246 Replies:1 
A unique computer prorame to search any topic and research about Quran.A gift for whole Islamic World from pakistan. Click here to read Full Article
Undercover Operations Destroying Pakistan by Shakil Ahmad
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 12/Aug/2011 Views:4818 Replies:2 
The bloody corrupt and sponsored Politicians, Generals and Bureaucrats have crossed all limits to destroy Pakistan and are doing their full efforts to trash every institution to take the motherland to a point of no return for the pleasure of their American masters.Find below the link to find my program on "Undercover Operations" highlighting the role of agencies, as to how they are making Click here to read Full Article
Pakistanis demands US President Obama to Stop drone Attacks in Pakistan by ShakirQureshi.
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 29/May/2011 Views:5429 Replies:1 
Karwan e Fikar UK team's Message on it's Demonstration in front of UK Parliament Led by Lord Nazir Ahmed, ShakirQureshi, Zahoor Niazi, Bar. Abid & UK based Leaders of main Stream Political Parties & Leaders of Civil Society, it was such a success that it could get the Intention of main authorities. Click here to read Full Article
General Wesley Clark tells Democracy Now the truth about the U.S. Government! - Must Watch
Posted By: farhan On: 18/May/2011 Views:5588 Replies:0 
The plan to invade Iraq and other countries was indeed in place before 9-11. Rumsfeld was almost delighted at a meeting on 9-12, saying the now it'll be easy to get the public to agree to attack Iraq. These weirdos commenting here that Gen Clark was lying about something are simply illogical; They are simply among the millions of Americans who were easily fooled into thinking Iraq had something t Click here to read Full Article
Remove the Face veil it is Banned. Must Watch!!! A True Example of If There Is A Will , There Is A Way
Posted By: chaudry On: 7/May/2011 Views:5168 Replies:0 
Great Message . Hijab is right of Muslim Women. Non believers can never take Muslim Women 's Rights and above all If There Is A Will , There Is A Way Click here to read Full Article
The Creator's Signature - Must Watch Video
Posted By: nrqazi On: 28/Apr/2011 Views:4472 Replies:0 
In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful God's scriptures are not the only mathematically composed creations of God where the number 19 is the common denominator. It is profound indeed that Galileo made his famous statement: Click here to read Full Article
George Galloway Blasts MQM & Altaf Husain in the British Parliament - Must Watch
Posted By: Wajeeh On: 21/Apr/2011 Views:5802 Replies:1 
George Galloway Blasts MQM & Altaf Husain in the British Parliament - Must Watch Click here to read Full Article
CIA's "Facebook" Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs - News Program
Posted By: chaudry On: 20/Apr/2011 Views:5103 Replies:0 
from Onion News Network Season 1 Episode 9 Click here to read Full Article
LIBYA WAR a different view 210311
Posted By: chaudry On: 27/Mar/2011 Views:5031 Replies:1 
If they have to Kill Qaddafi they need to kill every Libyan. Sky News Click here to read Full Article
Government Badnaam Huee Darling Tere Liye (Video Attatched)
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 26/Jan/2011 Views:5019 Replies:0 
Though this version of “Government Badnaam Huee Darling Tere Liye” – is a hilarious musical look at the current Pakistani Scene, the recent happenings in India, too are cause for concern and Badnaami! So while we can enjoy this at Pakistan's expense, we better look within and take corrective action: Click here to read Full Article

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Musharraf slapped in front of audience! Brave Pakistani. **HACKED BUT RESTORED**
Views:39109 Replies:27
Video: ~Roshun Khiyaal Pakistan~ Renowned TV actresses go beyond the lines
Views:26855 Replies:3
Video: Tahir ul qadri ko loog Sajda kar rahay hain
Views:22384 Replies:6
Mullah Tahir ul Qadri caught red handed telling the most blunt lies in the history of mankind! {Eng}
Views:19696 Replies:1
Video: Protest (PPP ka Ahtejaji Muzahira) PPP SHEERIN REHMAN
Views:16178 Replies:8
Chairman CBR Abdullah Yousuf & Musharraf dancing infront of Audience
Views:15437 Replies:4
Fake Arrest of Maulaana Abdul Aziz or Fake Interview on PTV, Images & Video **HACKED BUT RESTORED**
Views:15242 Replies:7
Video: Shia Attacked on Masjid e Nabwi & Grave of Hazrat Aisha (R.A)
Views:13380 Replies:11
Video: Pakistani woman (Dr Afia) in Jail we need help from your Du·aa
Views:12808 Replies:6
Video of Police raid on CAT house islamabad.
Views:11869 Replies:0
Views:11568 Replies:2
Video: This is Pakistan Police beating women badly
Views:10973 Replies:28
Images : Disgrace to tomb of Syedna Amir Muawia & Other Sahaba e karam
Views:10020 Replies:2
Mobasher Lucman debating Fauzia Wahab
Views:9478 Replies:6
Translation Practice Software by Zafar Habib
Views:8826 Replies:1

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