"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Amjad_Malik
Full Name: Amjad Malik
User since: 15/Jun/2007
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Amjad Malik was granted barrister ship, felicitations continue  
Human Rights Lawyer Amjad Malik was published as a Barrister of Lincolns Inn by Elizabeth Appleby QC, the first female treasurer of Lincolns Inn's history since 1422 at a Ceremony on 1 Dec 2009 at Great Hall , Lincolns Inn, London.
Mian Shahbaz Sharif Chief Minister Punjab has sent special message of heartiest congratulations along with Bencher of the Inner Temple the first Pakistani QC Barrister Sibghat Ullah kadri QC, Barrister Akram Sheikh, Ali Ahmed Kurd former Presidents SCBA, former Lord Mayor Burnley Rafiq Malik, Idrees Mughal Registrar SC Azad Kashmir, Azhar Chaudhary, Asif Malik Vice Chairman of Punjab Bar, Azhar Sadique, Arshad Ch, Younas Naul from SCBA, Arshad Warraich, Ijaz Wahla from FSD Bar, Hassan Raza pasha from Chakwal Bar, Arif Alvi, Ibrahim Qureshi from Multan Bar, Barrister Wajid Malik from Pindi Bar , PML(N) UK officials Raja Hamid RASHID, AND Javed Iqbal and many journalist associations including PJA chair Wajahat Ali Khan, and Javed khan Chairman Pakistan Press Club (Mcr), Asif Butt Bureau Chief NW London are amongst those who are sending messages of felicitation.
Amjad Malik, qualified in 1999 and was the youngest Pakistani who became Solicitor"“Advocate in January 2003. His 15 years of legal work has many cases which changed law in the country. He sits on English Law Society's Immigration Law Committee and is a life member of Pak Supreme Court Bar. He was the first Pakistani lawyer to be awarded  "˜Young Human Rights Lawyer Award' for the year 2000 by Lord Chief Justice Bingham, and in 2001 he was acknowledged for his free work for the community and was named  "˜Young Pro Bono Solicitor Award'. In 2007 he was awarded in recognition to his outstanding professional service in role model capacity by Mrs. Cherrie Blair QC and Pakistani High Commissioner. Amjad heads CM Punjab Mian shehbaz Sharif's legal team in UK and has been acting for Pakistani students arrested in the suspicion of terrorism. He has written 2 books, Road to Justice (2007) and Road to Democracy (2008) and an esteemed writer and frequently present Pakistan's case in print and electronic media.  Amjad Malik has considered it all due to inspiration from Jinnah and prayers of his family especially mother. Lincolns inn has historic credentials as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is acknowledged as one of the best law maker, and Quaid e Azam and Z A Bhuttoo are amongst 15 British prime Ministers in the list of its members. Pakistani community in England has expressed their felicitation on this honour.
Amjad Malik termed it an honour for the whole Pakistani nation and overseas community too  as becoming a barrister from Lincolns Inn was his dream since childhood as he always was inspired from the founder of Pakistan, Quaid e Azam Barrister Mohammad Ali Jinnah and this honour is a step towards completing his mission.
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